Hi, I’m Elle.

I am a former lawyer and now a professional coach with deep experience helping people unlock the purpose and potential in their lives. Trained and certified in New York City, I have been fortunate enough to work with a wide-range of extraordinary people across the US & Europe, helping them to see who they truly are and achieve their full potential.

I am a lifelong learner and have combined my professional coach training with Jungian psychology, eastern philosophy, Internal Family Systems theory & the True PurposeⓇ methodology to create a therapeutic, holistic inside-out approach which leads to true transformation in my clients’ lives.

Professional Training & Qualifications

Career & Leadership

  • ICF-Certified Professional Coach, ACC

  • Coaching for Transformation program with Leadership that Works

Purpose & Success Mindset

  • Certified Jungian Life Coach (Creative Mind University)

  • Trained True PurposeⓇ Coach

Life Alignment

  • Trained Internal Family Systems (Richard Schwartz) Coach

  • Nature-based coaching (Sagefire).

My personal journey

For as long as I can remember I have been a ‘seeker’, trying to figure out what life is all about and my place in it.

I know the struggle that comes with feeling unhappy but unsure what to do next. Knowing that what you are doing now is not working & you need to make a change but not sure of the right direction. The longing to make a choice & move forward but feeling the fear that you will get it wrong and be left even further behind.

As a professional lawyer in the music industry I had a job that I had fought hard to get, a job that many would envy as a job to aspire to, a job surrounded by people who thought I would be crazy to want anything else. Yet somehow I was deeply unhappy. I felt scared about giving up on something I had fought for and at a loss to understand what else I could possibly do - having spent most of my adult life laser-focused on one path. For a long while I felt paralyzed by the fear of the unknown, worrying what stepping off the path might mean, and caught up in the opinion of people around me who mattered.

I don’t want to pretend the path is easy; but by seeking external guidance and following the steps that I now practice with my clients, I was able to unlock a deeper understanding of my purpose and place in the world, clarity about what I wanted to do in work and life, and the courage to move forward and build something professionally that is meaningful to me.

In my own journey I have had to learn what I now work on with my clients: 

  • asking for help - letting go of the need to figure everything out on my own

  • getting clear about my values – what is most important to me and what I want my business to stand for 

  • uncovering my true purpose - my WHY for doing what I do and the gifts I bring which will get me jumping out of bed every morning (who am I kidding - my kids get me out of bed every morning!)

  • exploring my shadow so that I can reclaim personal power and the freedom to consciously create my life

  • figuring out what success means to me – which is much more about meaning and contribution than external validation (despite years of seeking said external validation!)

  • getting my ego out of the way - riding the wave of success & failure with non-attachment (yet clear intention) 

  • learning how to step into & claim my true self – not the persona that I had unknowingly created  

  • healing and making peace with the path I had taken so far in my life so I could let go of ‘bad choices’ (subject I chose at college, job I took because I didn’t know what else to do….)

  • recognizing my personal fear challenges and getting vulnerable to manage them

  • getting out of my head and into my heart 

  • knowing my value deep down so I could face my inner critic and not let it stop me showing up

  • exploring stillness and mindfulness meditation so that I am able to access my body’s wisdom and trust it

  • learning how to be creative in navigating challenges of work-life balance so I could honor my need for self-care, play and family time

  • connecting to seasonal energy so that I can show up grounded

To get started on your journey to personal freedom schedule a free exploratory call and together we will plan a course of action . You got this!

“The benefits from this one-on-one work are invaluable. I was able to get personalized attention to help navigate career shifts during probably one of the most challenging professional times in my life (the global pandemic). The work with Elle took me back to my higher purpose and values. It gave me the strength to volunteer in my community while I looked for paid work and pursued passion projects. There is no other way to describe my coach’s work and presence. The ability to virtually bring myself back into the moment as my anxious energy was getting the best of me was almost as powerful as any therapy session or pharmacological dose of medicine. To be able to talk things out with a professional coach put my mind at ease,  gave me an independent perspective on how to be my best self. She reminded me to be kind and not punitive with the words I chose to describe things. And most importantly the recommendation to Marshall Rosenberg’s Non-Violent Communication book, which has been a life changer. Elle is a force and an incredible coach.”

— Jesse Ash, co-founder, Greener Media

change yourself & your results will change