Individual and group mentoring for coaches.

If you are a coach:

  • Looking to improve your skills 

  • Seeking an ICF credential (or renewal of your credential)

Then mentoring could be for you. 

As a Qualified Mentor Coach I aim to elevate the capabilities of my coach clients (mentees) so they can achieve their ICF credential. As a result, I’m proud to play a part in increasing the standard of coaching, serving others and helping them learn and grow.

As a mentee you will experience increased awareness of your strengths and coaching style, build your confidence, and explore and define practical ways to grow in line with the ICF Core Competencies.

I bring a combination of active listening, practical objectivity and calm, positive energy to every mentoring encounter.

Please contact me at to find out more including the dates for the next round of group mentoring.

The ICF require anyone applying for a credential or renewing an ACC credential to have at least 10 hours of mentor coaching over a period that extends beyond three months with a Qualified Mentor Coach.

The Mentoring Programme

I offer a group mentoring program which includes 7 hours group mentoring plus 3 hours individual (one-to-one) mentoring so that you fulfil the ICF requirement to complete 10 hours of mentoring. 

Structure of the 7 hour group mentoring

1  x 1-hour session (introductions, objectives, core competencies review, listen to recording and feedback)

4 x 90 minute sessions (take in turns to coach each other and receive mentoring feedback)

In a coach group of your peers. 

Each 90 minute session will include:

  • Intro

  • 1st coaching round

    • A coaches B for 20 minutes

    • A feeds back

    • Mentor feeds back

    • Peers feed back

  • 2nd coaching round

    • C coaches D for 20 minutes

    • C feeds back

    • Mentor feeds back

    • Peers feed back

  • Closing

Held via Zoom.

Followed up with a written feedback report (if you were coaching in the session) covering your strengths and stretch areas against the updated ICF core competencies.

Participants: minimum 3 , maximum 6

The 7 hour group sessions will be followed by 3  x 1-hour sessions, one-to-one with your mentor. 

In each session we will:

  • Agree focus for review

  • Listen to your recorded coaching session

  • Debrief on core competencies

  • Determine next steps

Held via Zoom

Followed up with a written feedback report covering your strengths and stretch areas against the updated ICF core competencies.

The total cost for 3 hours one-to-one and 7 hours group = £875. 

If you would prefer to fulfil the 10 hour requirement with one-to-one mentoring please contact me at to discuss pricing.