Not religious but want to feel connected to something bigger? (warning: content is about to get a bit “woo”)

Perhaps this finds you as you are searching for a way to process big feelings that are coming up for you at the moment, especially with what is going on in the world right now, and what we have lived through over the past 2 years. It has been, and in many ways continues to be, an anxious time. With the cost of living crisis, the war in Ukraine, the ongoing Covid situation, racial injustice and the climate crisis (I write this whilst outside it is like a summers’ day, which is bringing great joy tinged with that sense that something is not quite right in the world…), it is a LOT. It is not surprising that we simply yearn for a sense of “normality” and hope right now. And a way to process everything. 

Whilst I don’t pretend to know much about how to handle or resolve all of that (!) I would like to offer some spiritual practices which might support you. Practical ideas to ground yourself every single day. 

Three “one-way” spiritual practices are: 

  1. Meditation 

  2. Journaling 

  3. Visualisation.

Whilst these practices can be incredibly helpful, I know it can be hard to put in a daily practice. And sometimes this one-way practice is not enough, especially if you are craving a connection and conversation with something bigger….essentially a way to talk to the divine (in whatever way that looks like for you) without prayer. Outside of an organised religion. 

If this is what you are seeking then I have been exploring a few things I would like to share:

Nature connection 

Being in nature can be a one-way experience and also an opportunity to enter into a reciprocal relationship. For me, there is nothing like being in - and observing - nature to make me feel connected to something bigger. Something that is holding and nurturing me. I make it a practice to lie down on the grass or at the beach and allow myself to feel the earth holding me. I believe it is a practice called “earthing” and it is fun! Usually my son chooses that moment to throw himself on top of me :) 

Forest bathing is another wonderful way to feel connected in nature. It is a simple relaxation practice of being calm and quiet amongst the trees, observing nature around you whilst breathing deeply (known in Japan as shinrin yoku).  

As women, and if you are a mother, you are unmistakably bound to Mother Earth. It lives within you and is ready to hold you whenever you seek it. 

Scripture / sacred texts 

A big part of spirituality is having a teaching. A way to feed and cultivate the instinct we have for spirit & spiritual awakening. Otherwise it dims and the cares of the world start to overwhelm us and we are run by our ego which is all about survival & limitation. With this in mind, it is helpful to have some kind of scripture to turn to. Which particular scripture is of course up to you. 

For me personally, I have been exploring & learning from the Bhagavad Gita. Based on the Upanishads, the ideas and philosophy inform my coaching and create a spiritual grounding to the work I do. The fact that it informs & supports my work (my higher purpose) naturally gives it more meaning and purpose. 


You might have a good sense of your spiritual life, but are not connected to others, to like minded people, kindred spirits. For the communal experience of doing it together and feeding off each other. Then, practices like meditation, journaling and visualisation can become that bit more powerful. 

It might be that you need to build it. “Build it and they will come” as they said in Field of Dreams :) 

Having a spiritual teacher (or coach!)

Ultimately each of us has to find our own way to grow & transform. And that often requires somebody to teach us, guide us. This could be the leader of the community that you join (or build!). Someone that represents the worldview and philosophy that is meaningful and inspiring for you. Or it could be someone you seek out to work with one-to-one. 

It may begin with simply reading the work of a spiritual teacher you are drawn to. The writings and ideas of a spiritual guide or mentor can be a wonderful place to start. People that come to mind: Echart Tolle (Power of Now was one of the first “spiritual” books I read over a decade ago); Deepak Chopra; Michael Meade; Pema Chodron. 

I would welcome more female suggestions. I guess they are too busy raising children right now ;) 

Your dreaming life 

When we dream, our ego mind is not running things and we have the opportunity to connect to something “beyond”. Sometimes it is our personal unconscious that reaches out to us in our dreams, and sometimes it is more in the realm of the collective.  It absolutely has that sense of connecting to the divine.  So you might want to start paying attention to your dreams, taking spiritual and existential questions into your dreams, allowing this deep wisdom and guidance to come forth. 


When you have these “big” ideas for spiritual connection as the framework, then the practices outlined above - meditation, journaling and visualisation - start to take on more shape & purpose. Because with any technique like these ones, it helps if it is attached to some kind of purpose. You can use these techniques or practices to support the other “work” you are doing. To reflect on the teachings, to join others in conversation and meditation, to work with a guide to support you on your own growth journey. 

I notice as I write this that it may sound just a bit too “out there” for some. Too kooky. Too woo-woo. My self 10 years ago could not have entertained these ideas. Yoga & mindfulness perhaps. But spiritual teachings, working with the collective unconscious? Nope. No thanks. My rational left brain would not allow it. Yet here I am today, with a lived experience of the power of these practices. In supporting me to feel grounded, to be at peace when all around is chaos, to have a sense of bigger meaning in life. So if you feel called, I invite you to explore with curiosity and playfulness, and see if you discover some treasure. 

Wishing you a beautiful sunny weekend,

Elle xo


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